自然世界:海獭的百万宝宝 最适合给孩子观看的30部纪录片 秒杀1000部动画片!



    《自然世界:海獭的百万宝宝》是英国2010年播放的由Bonnie Greer主演的纪录片,主要讲述海獭在人类世界里养育孩子的艰辛故事。The Californian sea otter is one of the rarest, and possibly cutest animals in the world. So when a sea otter mum decides to have her pup amongst the yachts of a millionaires' marina, it is a unique event. The mum must teach her baby how to dodge the boats and find the food in this busy harbour. However, the arrival of a tough male sea otter signals disaste... 


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自然世界:海獭的百万宝宝 最适合给孩子观看的30部纪录片 秒杀1000部动画片! 信息来源:m.bb2020.com